VCTC Education and Awareness "The Future of Ventura County is in Your Hands"

Target Audience: Ventura County Residents

Strategy Objective:The Objective was to move the support needle above 67%. Strategies included raising awareness about the issues facing Ventura County and educating residents about the possibility of a transportation sales tax and what it could mean to the region. A multi-media campaign that included a new website, digital communications, community newspaper, outreach, social media, radio and direct mail was designed to build on VCTC's most visible brand asset (it's vehicles). The straight-forward messaging (Repair. Preserve. Improve.) lead interested constituents to the website review and comment of the comprehensive transportation investment plan.

Situation Challenge: Ventura County needs a local transportation sales tax. It has a failing infrastructure, an aging population, inadequate funding for bus and rail service, is unable to maintain local roads and freeways and no way to compete for state and federal dollars. California requires 2/3 voter approval to pass a sales tax. They went to the Voters in 2004 and only received 42% support. In April, 2015, a poll showed a promising 58% support 58%. But is as still shy of the needed target. An education and awareness campaign was launched to move the needle.

Results Impact: The results were phenomenal. Interest in the issue grew to 79% Support for a potential tax measure jumped to 69% - two points above the 2/3 threshold.

Why Submit: The campaign was incredibly successful - it eclipsed 69% support for a transportation sales tax in Ventura County. It showcased the best of public transportation: the need, the value and what is possible. The campaign optimized the application of a consistent and visible VCTC brand (using existing brand assets - the bus fleet). The campaign was incredibly comprehensive, strategic and efficient in conveying targeted messaging to a large population. The campaign generated unprecedented levels of support ' in just three months.