Antelope Valley Line 2015 Fare Reduction Marketing Campaign

Target Audience: Metrolink identified general demographics for each station along the Antelope Valley Line select catchment area in an effort to identify and service the correct marketing and advertising mediums for each target audience group. The demographic makeup of this area is broad, ranging from upper-middle class to lower income areas towards the end of the line. General demographics for residents along this line are Caucasian, ages 25-64, lower-to-middle class, and high school graduates. In many areas, a large Spanish-speaking population exists, near two Metrolink stations, with other prevalent populations for the remaining stations along the line.

Strategy Objective:Metrolink executed a home-end media campaign along the Antelope Valley Line in an effort to identify and serve the correct marketing and advertising mediums for each target audience group. Tactics ranged from traditional broad-reach mediums such as radio and billboards, to more targeted media, including digital display, in-app advertising, and direct mail campaigns targeted at specific Metrolink stations. For the 25-39 age group, digital, mobile and app advertising tactics were used. For residents that skew 40-64 years of age, more traditional tactics like direct mail offered free ride tickets. For the broad-reach tactics, traffic radio sponsorships and out-of-home billboards to reach all residents along the Antelope Valley Line. Spanish language mediums were used for select areas.

Situation Challenge: Based on the broad makeup of audience demographics across the Antelope Valley Line, Metrolink needed to address the language, household income and education barriers with tactics that best appeal to the composite of the population surrounding each Metrolink station. With two separate fare reduction being introduced on this line, the campaign was divided into three phases. First, Metrolink seeded the market with the 25% discount for up to six weeks. Phase 2 messaging introduced the $2 fare initiative. Once both fares were publicized separately, the remainder of the campaign messaging integrated the 25% discount and $2 fare initiative through all channels. Although both fare initiatives were in effect on July 1, the messaging was delivered separately to limit confusion or mixed messages.

Results Impact: Market research estimated that Metrolink would experience a 6.83% gain in ridership due to the fare discount. Actual results showed a 16.4% growth in ridership as per ticket sales. Since the start of the pilot on July 1, 2015 ridership has grown by 81,748 boardings. Most of the ridership increase is due to an increase in infrequent riders who have been most likely to respond to the lower fares. Sales data showed the One-Way and Round-Trip ticket ridership increased by 44.2% while revenue remained unchanged. The paid media marketing campaign was very successful garnering nearly 29,189,913 impressions, 24,914 clicks, and drove 3,776 route searches over a six-month period. The use of a multi-tactical marketing campaign resulted in a 16.4 % increase in ridership for the pilot program.

Why Submit: The Antelope Valley Line Fare Reduction Pilot Program far exceeded the ridership expectations by Metrolink. The success of the six-month pilot program encouraged management to extend the fare reduction offer another six months. This campaign achieved its objective of introducing the new fare initiatives, encouraged more local trips, and garnered an increase in ridership by 16.4% from the start of the program. Using the multi-tactical approach provided Metrolink with the specific tactics needed to successfully communicate the key messages to the targeted demographics along this route. The creative elements for this campaign played a strong role in communicating the fare reduction message to residents along the line and Marketing staff is very proud of the campaign accomplishments.