C-TRAN - Summer Blast Pass campaign

Target Audience: Youth between the ages of 7 and 18

Strategy Objective:By partnering with various local businesses and providing automatic entry into a drawing that gives one winner and nine friends a free day at the Clark County Fair complete with free shuttle transportation, free entrance, free ride wristbands and free lunches, we provided an additional value to the already discounted summer youth fare. In addition, each year we design every element of the campaign around a specific movie theme for that summer, which is something that all teenagers can identify with and makes it extremely eye-catching in posters that are displayed around the county.

Situation Challenge: Traditionally, summer ridership drops when school is no longer in session, and many teenagers are left without transportation options other than their parents. Because of these reasons, C-TRAN developed the Summer Blast Pass which provides three months of unlimited rides on C-TRAN at a deeply discounted rate.

Results Impact: Through our value-added partnerships, website and social media efforts, the Summer Blast Pass campaign managed to increase awareness of our summer transportation options among our target audience.

Why Submit: This entry was submitted because every element, from passes to posters and website were designed and/or printed in-house. We managed to achieve our goals among the target audience and made many kids and their parents happy, all with less than a $1,000 investment by C-TRAN.